Building the Better Insurance Consumer for 2021

With the upcoming Christmas holiday, we’re hastily working to wrap up (literally!!) a few loose ends, so this week’s post is a little different…

I recently had the pleasure of appearing on the Florida Insurance Roundup podcast to discuss the qualities both consumers and industry professionals must have in order to get the most out of their insurance policies in 2021.

Although this discussion with host Lisa Miller and Amy O’Connor of the Insurance Journal primarily focuses on Florida’s beleaguered and chaotic property insurance market, it contains lessons for helping consumers in any market ensure they understand their policies and obtain the coverage they need.

Like my previous post on personal risk tolerance, today’s discussion takes basic risk management concepts and distills them down to situations we all face in one way or another. Taking time to carefully review your coverages, or consult with a reputable agent, is something most consumers simply shrug off. As I explain in the podcast though…

Just like people are always focused on having health insurance, property insurance is the health of your home.

For more general tips to help you, family, or friends understand and ensure you have the proper level of coverage, I highly recommend resources from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

On that note, as we near Christmas and 2020 draws to a close, I want to thank everyone for their loyal readership and comments over the last year. Through this blog and guest editorials, I look forward to helping fellow risk professionals better integrate risk into strategic decision-making to make their companies more agile and successful in 2021 and beyond.

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

If I can be of assistance in any way, be it to improve risk processes in your organization or help you personally grow into a better risk professional, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Featured image courtesy of Binyamin Mellish via


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This blog was launched to provide strategy and risk practitioners with a go-to resource to better guide their efforts within their companies. Thank you for bringing me and my team along to be part of your journey towards better risk management, strategic planning and execution, and overall decision-making. Happy reading!

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