Top 19 Risk Management Resources for 2019

This time last year, I wrote a well-received article providing my favorite 18 risk management resources.

Well, it is time to provide a new list of 19 resources as you start making progress towards achieving your 2019 goals for risk management.

Over the recent months, I have really focused on expanding my skills outside of the ERM world. Why?

Because as a risk professional, you should have certain non-technical skill sets to support your risk-related activities. In the 2018 version of this post, I grouped these topics into one resource, but this year, you get some specific books, website, and other resources that you can use to grow professionally.

  1. Leadership: The Pinocchio Principle by Diane Bolden (she has a great blog too!)
  2. Speaking/Presentations: Steal the Show by Michael Port
  3. Strategy: Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations that Accelerate Change by Chris Ertel and Lisa Kay Solomon
  4. Relationship Building: EQ Applied by Justin Bariso
  5. Entrepreneurial Thinking: Business Skills vs. Entrepreneurial Thinking by (not long, but just enough to get you wanting to learn more…)

As I have mentioned before, I don’t think about enterprise risk management the same as a lot of people. Therefore, let me provide you with some of the most-read ERM Insights by Carol resources from 2018:

  1. 3 Steps to Building an Effective KRI System Today
  2. Stop Seeing Red: How to Revamp your Risk Assessment Process to Free Up More Resources (Okay, this one is from December 2017, but it gets read all the time! I take this as the hint that everyone continues to struggle with having enough people with enough time to do what needs to be done. What about you?)
  3. Integrating Strategic Risk Management and Operational Risk Management
  4. 3 Ways to Avoid the Check-the-Box Trap in Risk Review
  5. Key Players for Successful Risk Identification
  6. 4 Easy Ways to Ensure Management is Supportive and Actively Engaged in your ERM Program
  7. Root Cause Analysis: How a Toddler’s “Why?” is an Effective Business Tool

Beyond those resources, there are eBooks and articles on the ERM fundamentals:

  1. Making the Case for ERM: How ERM is Different from Traditional Risk Management (eBook)
  2. Risk Identification: 5 Effective Methods to Identify Risks in Your Organization (eBook)
  3. Risk Assessment: Enterprise Risk Assessment – Transforming Risk Information into Action (eBook)
  4. Risk Ownership: Why Assigning a Risk Owner is Important and How To Do It Right
  5. Risk Analysis: Enterprise Risk Analysis – Prioritizing Risks for Maximum Benefit to the Organization (Article)
  6. Risk Response: Risk Transfer, Risk Reduction, Risk Acceptance
  7. Risk Reporting and Communication: The Ultimate Primer for Effective Risk Reporting (article)

As you start your year, I hope that you are able to make tremendous progress forward towards your goals, whether they are getting enterprise risk management started at your organization, revamping what you already have because it isn’t effective, or continuing to mature your process and introduce new elements to add even more value to your organization.

If you like what you read and want to work with me directly, you can join my waitlist. When I have availability, I will let you know.

In the meantime, cheers! Wishing you a Happy New Year and best wishes for 2019!


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This blog was launched to provide strategy and risk practitioners with a go-to resource to better guide their efforts within their companies. Thank you for bringing me and my team along to be part of your journey towards better risk management, strategic planning and execution, and overall decision-making. Happy reading!

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